Common Recipes

Check DateTimeField() with auto_now=True

Using Django TestCase:

Add a method assert_<fieldname> that check by format instead

class TestUrls(TestCase, metaclass=ApiCheckerBase):

    def assert_timestamp(self, response, expected, path=''):
        value = response['timestamp']
        assert datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')

With pytest:

Create a custom Recorder and pass it to @contract

from drf_api_checker.recorder import Recorder
from drf_api_checker.pytest import contract, frozenfixture

class MyRecorder(Recorder):

    def assert_timestamp(self, response, expected, path=''):
        value = response['timestamp']
        assert datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')

def test_user_list(user):
    return reverse('api:user-list')

Check protected url

Using Django TestCase:

Using standard DRF way: self.client.login() or self.client.force_authenticate()

With pytest:

Create a custom Recorder and override client property

class MyRecorder(Recorder):
    def client(self):
        user = UserFactory(is_superuser=True)
        client = APIClient()
        return client

def test_user_list(user):
    return reverse('api:user-list')

Check methods other than GET

from drf_api_checker.recorder import Recorder
from drf_api_checker.pytest import contract, frozenfixture